Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Action Shot Assignment

It was a windy day out shooting the men's golf team for Pima, I was in my typical t-shirt and shorts. The guys kept asking me if I was cold, but my fatness sufficed. Anyways I figured I might as well use this photo for my assignment. Nikko Grau, is red shirting this season but hopes to be a contributing factor next season. They have to deal with my crappy photo taking ability, but what other options do they have.

Pima freshman Nikko Grau teeing off at Canoa Ranch Golf Course in Green Valley. Photo by Mylo Erickson

Depth of Field Assignment

Well after Cynthia showed us some flowers, Kyle, Chelo and I decided to move on. We began to hike towards Anklam. Kyle and I began to walk into the desert, while Chelo ditched us to do her own thing. I began to think about getting attacked by a snake when I stumbled upon this cactus. Snapped a couple of shots and hiked back to class. Here is one of the photos I was able to grab.

A desert barrel cactus budding on Feb. 29, 2012 at West Campus. Photo by Mylo Erickson

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Assignment 3 "Gathering Caption Info"

This would be sophomore student Erica Lopez. She is majoring in Criminal Justice and she is not sure exactly what career direction she will go in with her degree.

"I don't know, it's something to start with and see wherever it takes me," Lopez said about why she chose criminal justice as a major.

Lopez does enjoy enjoy watching shows like CSI and Law and Order, so maybe that is where her interest came from.

Hopefully she won't be too upset about my crappy photo.

Sophomore Erica Lopez studies for her Writing 101 class. Photo By Mylo Erickson

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Assignment 2

So for this assignment we had to go out and use lines, as well as a subject. The person that my experiments ran haywire on is Matt Frey. It took all the luck in the world and my lack of skills to come up with a couple of photos. Frey was a willing test subject, so it was easier to come up with things in that aspect. My photos were taken over by the Center for the Arts and I believe the Tucson building at West Campus. Anyways enough of my blabbering, here are the photos.

Matt Frey looks over some notes, enjoying the quiet calm. Photo by Mylo Erickson

My second photo

Matt Frey ponders over the meaning of life and where to go for lunch. Photo by Mylo Erickson