Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Group Portrait Assignment

Today's outing was done in groups of five. Nothing like grouping people together and sending them off to do an assignment on their own. For my photo I lead the group all over West Campus, luckily they are a great group and were willing to comply with my demands. (I did ask if they were okay with walking to the Center for the Arts building, so I'm not a complete dick) Anyways since being a fat guy, of course I'm a fan of soda. I thought it would fun to get a picture them pretending to attack a soda machine. It was fun watching them go at the machine and give great face expressions with smiles or frowns. Sorry for the ranting, just thought I would you in on what happened. Enjoy the photo, if you can.

Student photographers Chelo Grubb, Alexandra Salazar, Javier Pineda and Jacquelyn Montano seek to quench their thirst.