Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hiking on Mt. Lemmon

I have decided that I will also start to post some pictures that I have taken on my adventures through life thus far. Some of the pictures may have a little commentary to them depending if there is a story that goes with them or if I have something silly to say.

I tend to take a lot of photos so I will try and limit my posts to 10 pictures, may be less, but that will be the max I post. Anyways to start this venture off I have decided to use photos that I took while on a hike with my beautiful wife back in August.

Why post them so late you ask? That's when I was able to get around to it, some other sets I post in the future might be older or might not. Well without further ado let's get to the photos.


I do love the look of running water in a still picture. I also just really enjoyed the different angles that have been grooved into this particular rock.


You can't tell me that the Woodsman couldn't have brought this to the Evil Queen and told her that it was Snow White's. No wonder why I get heartburn so easily, its made of wood.


I enjoy all the different colors in this photo, along with the water looking like a piece of plastic over the tops of the rocks.


The reflection in the water gives this photo an eerie feeling to me, but I might just be a big pansy also. It was also sprinkling that day so that is the explanation for the reverberations in the water, its not like we were being chased by a T-Rex... Or were we?

5. & 6.

Both of these are obviously of the same stump just taken from different angles. By the way I did eat the worm that is in the first of these two photos, what we forgot to pack a lunch and I'm a fat guy. I can't five minutes without food.


Now I'm not going to lie, I was really excited to get this picture. I danced around for five minutes with excitement while my wife called me a dork. Or maybe the bee was buzzing around my head because he was tired of all these damn paparazzo's trying to get a snapshot of him, so he tried to sting me. Either way I know my wife called me a dork.


Nothing like an up skirt shot, am I right fellas? Okay this is getting silly, I enjoy this one because it gives a black and white feel even though it was just taken on a cloudy day.


You know what they always say "Stay on the clear path and... you won't get eaten by bears." It sounds better in its original language of origin. However, it is not always true, I knew a guy who stayed on a clear path, but still managed to get attacked by a bear. Oh wait, was that in the woods or in a gay club. Huh, oh well it's honestly irrelevant.


Someone decided to hang this from one of the trees in the forest, I guess it must have been having nightmares. I guess it's better than seeing shoes or underwear dangling down, like you see in an urban jungle.

Well that is it for this first set of photos to be posted on this page since I started it for my photo journalism class a couple of years ago. Well I hope you enjoyed looking at the photos and feel free to post any comments or questions that you may have.

Thanks and keep your eyes peeled,

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